Toyota Repair: 86 corolla hesitation, haynes repair manual, super unleaded gas

i have a corolla 86 with 178k miles automatic eng. 4AC. driving good until 3 days ago when trying to go uphill and acelerated the eng started knocking like diesel eng .it starts good but when it is moved to reverse or drive it starts to shake really bad and stalls.the timing marks were checked & found at the correct position but desided to replace the timing belt anyway,it is its third timin belt also i replaced the rotor ,rotor cup(they were worn),installed new sparkplugs the old ones had normal wear except for the #one cilynder looked like it was runing hot & had a small piece of porcelane missing also when trying to advance the timin to smooth the engine it starts knoking
i checked the resistance on the distibutor coil and read 0.2ohms the specs are 0.4 to 0.5 is this reading normal? also i measured the air gap on the distributor and read .016" the specs are .008 to .016" is this reading normal ?
i allways put unleadedplus or super unleaded gas.
Please help me i don't know what eslse to check i am using a haynes repair manual i have had this car since 1987 at 13k miles and done its maintenance per the manual
thanks for your help

The timing belt may be a tooth or two off, recheck the cam timing to make sure the cam is timed correctly, the readings you are getting are not anything to be concerned about.
Check to see if the distributor is installed correctly, it sounds like the timing of the cam or the distributor may be off a tooth.