Toyota Repair: clutch pedal, clutch master cylinder, clutch pedal
Questionhi i have an 86 toyota pu with 22r & 4 speed it has 100,000 miles. the cluth pedal has to be pushed all the way to the firewall before i can get it in gear befre i only had to press it about 3/4 of the way down. is there any adjustment i can do? tks for your time danny
AnswerThere is an adjustment on the slave cylinder pushrod but I don't think that it's an adjustment problem, I think that there is an hydraulic leak somewhere either at the slave cylinder or the master cylinder, take a look at the reservoir, is the fluid low? If so there is a leak in the system.
Check at the rear of the firewall where the clutch master cylinder is attached for any leaks, check the slave cylinder and the rubber hydraulic lines.