Toyota Repair: 22R 1985 4x4, 22r engine, excessive fuel
QuestionHi Ted: I just rebuild this 22r engine and when i start it it runs real smooth and then it starts loading up and the black smoke come out of the tail pipe and trys to die, i bring the rpms up a little and it smooth out a little and when it goes back to idle and goes right back to trying to die. the engine runs real ruff. and then it will die and hard to start. if i let it set for a while it will start right up real easy. thanks for the help
AnswerCheck to make sure that the choke opens up after cold start, make sure the secondary butterfly of the carburetor is closed all the way at idle or engine off, check the auxillary accelerator diaphragm on the carburetor, if it is ruptured it will draw in raw fuel into the intake,make sure the float level in the carb is correct and that the fuel inlet needle valve is not stuck open, just a few things to check, let me know if any of this helps.
With the air filter off look inside the carburetor with the engine running and see if there is excessive fuel going into the venturi, again, check the secondary butterfly, they can stick open and cause this.