Toyota Repair: Rotten egg smell, rotten egg smell, mazda 6

Hi Ted,

I'm a fellow All Expert in the Internet Security area.  I've got a Mazda 6 sport edition (v6) - I know you're a Toyota guy, but perhaps this problem cuts across product lines.

It's a 2003 with 22K miles.  Quite often while driving I'll get a really bad "rotten egg" smell in the cabin; seems like it's mostly noticeable when stopping at a light.  Definitely noticeable when exiting the car.

Any ideas?


Toyota recently issued a service bulletin regarding this condition, the basic context is that this is due to the sulfur content of the gasoline, some fuels have more sulfur than others and it is also related to geographical location and where the oil companies buy their crude oil from, basically, Toyota is saying that there is nothing we can do about this and try changing to a different brand of fuel,check with the your dealer to see if they have a similar explanation or if there are any bulletins issued from Mazda.