Question" I bought my '93 Previa in September '03 with
208 000 km on it.Sounded nice when I took it home but after a week time, I noticed ratteling sound
from engine or trany or SAD shaft /hard to tell/. Sound harder when engine cold. At cruising speed in 4th gear, no noise. In neutral, reving up, no noise. Seemslike it rattels only under load
1st,2nd,3rd gears. Now I have 214 000 km on it and the problem is not better and not worst.I was thinking at first, the timing chain, but it doesn't do it at neutral rev up.
I would appreciate Your opinion. Thnx a lot. "
AnswerFrom what you say the SAD shaft is the cause. Since it really only drives some accessories you may notice more noise when the ac is on or less when it's off. If this is the case then the shaft is the cause.
These can be rebuilt or purchased rebuilt from many sources.
A new one is costly.
Finding someone local who knows the Toyota product is your best next step.
Good luck