Toyota Repair: Engine Oil Leak Toyota Corolla 96, 100K, engine oil leak, good luck jack

I went to get a regular oil change for my Toyota Corolla( '96, 100K ) and the mechanic told me that there was no oil in the engine because of a gasket leak. Surprisingly, I have no problems in driving the car. I wanted to know if gasket leak is a recurring problem or it can be fixed permanently. Also, how much I can expect to spend for the repair.

Thanks a lot for your help!

Since the engine has many gaskets that can leak oil your description is not really complete.
If you actually were low on oil and survived I would not take that chance again, unless you do like expensive repair bills or a new car.
Take the vehicle to the dealer and find out what is leaking and get it corrected now before it's too late.
Good luck