QuestionI have a 1993 Corolla LE, with 110,000 miles,
1.8 litre engine, I just had service on the automatic transmission, they had to replace two of the shift solenoids, and flush / fill with new fluid, my question is how much fluid should it take to refill the trans? they charged me for 20 @ 2.50 total was $50.00 for fluid.
Does that sound right?
AnswerHello Chuck, welcome to my expert page.
Normally to drain and refill the transmission takes about 3.5 to 4 quarts, but you said that they flushed it also, this involves connecting a flush machine and flushing with transmission fluid, all the old fluid is removed including the torque converter which has a capacity of about 4 quarts alone, we normally use 15qts. to do this, maybe your trnasmission needed a little more to get the fluid clean.