Toyota Repair: Toyota 4-Runner antenna problem, antenna mast, antenna assembly

I have a '97 Toyota 4-Runner. Recently I've noticed that the antenna doesn't retract like it's supposed to when the radio is turned off. I hear the sound of the motor running as if its trying to retract the antenna, but the antenna doesn't move. If I go outside I can push the antenna down myself and the next time I turn on the radio it will extend again, but retraction I have to do manually. Any ideas on how to fix this? I've been doing a bit of research that says I should try cleaning it. How do I go about removing it so it can be cleaned?

Hello Damir, welcome to my expert page.
The antenna mast needs to be replaced, if you are going to do this yourself purchase it from the dealer first so you know what it looks like and you will understand what I'm about to tell you.
The problem is that a part of the cable(it has small teeth on it)breaks off and gets stuck inside the antenna motor,the remedy is to remove the antenna assembly through the inner fender well and opening it to remove the broken piece of antenna mast, then re-assemble it and re install it, the turn the radio on until it stops making noise, then turn the radio off so the retact motor activates while you feed the cable in, it will grab it and pull it in. That's the procedure, whether you want to try doing it or having a repair shop do it is entirely up to you.