Toyota Repair: Lots of trouble!, lots of trouble, cold weather
QuestionHI! I have a 96 camry with 89000 miles. Recently within the past 2 weeks i had an oil change which the jiffy lube recommended exchanging coolant fluids and that was $80. Even prior to that i was having trouble starting the car but i thought that was due to cold weather. someone checked y battery adn fixed a lose connection.
Yesterday it made ahorrible sound like a muffler sound and just stopped. and was leaking oil i think . it was towed and will be looked at tomorrow. Do you think this is engine stuff? is it worth fixing?Thanks!
AnswerHello Barb, welcome to my expert page.
At this point I really have no idea what it could be, just have it checked and let me know what they recommend to fix it but please, be very specific and I will be able to help, I may even be able to save you some money, so let me know what happens.