QuestionI have a 2290.I was blowing snow with a 8 ft. blower. Worked fine
I raised it up and now it wont come down. The cables to the 3 pt
manifold are working the draft control cable is working. I removed
the pin on the clevis at the control manifold for up & down.Works
very easy.The blower is all the way up. No response.Could it be the
draft control linkage (Where is that located) Or stuck spool in the
control.Worked fine before. Cables are good fluid level good.
Hydraulics work powershift is fine. How can I get it to come down
The blower is heavy Ill block it up before trying anything.
THANK YOU fore any help
AnswerJoe, I agree with you, one of the spools is stuck....or, your valve is blocked. Since the blower is heavy, the hydraulics should eventually sag, so park it where you want to put the blower, and shut down the tractor, and it should bleed to a down position, but I would bungee the lever in the "down" position as well...then give your hydraulic system a complete cleaning.