Tractor Repair: ford 4100 tractor stuck in reverse, ford 4100, shift linkage
Questionmy ford 4100 tractor is stuck in reverse and I can't get it out. What do I do?
AnswerFirst, check your shift linkage, make sure that you are not bound up from the shifter to the trans. Then check your fluid levels in the trans. MAKE SURE that there are no discolorations or metal filings that would indicate internal damage. Start the tractor on a level surface, run in reverse for a short distance, and try to pop it into neutral...I think you have a stuck shifting fork or valve, depending on what type of transmission you have. If all else fails, you'll have to pull the floorboard out and open the top of the trans and check for damage. If you have an inspection plate for your clutch you might open that to make sure your throughput shaft is not bound against the clutch or throw-out.