Tractor Repair: 5250 transmission, psi difference, pressure switches
QuestionArnie good evening I hope this finds you well. I was wondering if you might be able to give me some direction here.
I have a 5250 MFD tractor and everytime I come to the end of the field and go to turn short with the planter the transmission kicks out especially when it is in 4 wheel drive. If you max out the steering wheel turning the tractor's transmission will drop out until you push the clutch in and release once.....and this will happen over and over so you end up having a wide turn to prevent it.
Is there anything I should be looking for in general here? Hyd oil level is good and I am going to try changing the filter again.
I am thinking it is an electrical issue with pressure switches.
Can you help me on this?
Thanks Bob
Ontario Canada
Answer It's really a hydraulic problem, but indirectly becomes an electrical problem because the transmission pressure switches are sensing low pressure to the transmission. This is a common problem if the high pressure stand-by and the steering relief pressures are too close to each other. There needs to be a minimum of a 350 psi difference between these pressures, or the steering priority valve will take all the oil for steering and not leave enough to operate other functions such as the transmission, MFD, PTO, and diff lock that need at least 300 psi. The high pressure standby should be set at 2850 psi, and the steering relief should be 2400 psi. This will leave 450 psi available for the regulated circuits that only need 300 psi, so the problem of the transmission kicking out when turning is eliminated.