Tractor Repair: Case 1370, clutch plates, clutch pedal

QUESTION: My case will not back-up.  When you first crank it it will back-up about one or two feet. Also my steering gets hard to turn sometimes, tractor runs great forwards. This is a powershift trans, any help greatly appreciated.

ANSWER:    The powershift clutches will have to be pressure tested with gauges to determine what the problem is.  In reverse, C2 and C4 clutches should have 200-210 psi.  If all the forward speeds work OK, then C2 clutch is OK because it is also used in 1st and 3rd powershifts.  So the problem has to be with the C4 clutch.  C4 is only used when in reverse or when the clutch pedal is down.  If the pressure to C4 is low, there could be an internal leak in the powershift or there could be a problem in the powershift control valve.  If the pressure is good, then the C4 clutch plates are worn or damaged.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks, Is it hard to replace the control valve?  Where would the filters be located in the transmission and could they cause it not to back-up?  Thanks again for your help....

  You don't need to replace the control valve, it might just need some attention.  There are pilot spools that can stick, springs that can break, orifices that can plug up, gaskets that can blow out, etc.  The filters are inside a cover on the bottom of the transmission.  They would not cause a problem only with reverse.  Not sure what is causing the steering problem.  I think the entire hydraulic system should be pressure tested.