Tractor Repair: 1370 case steering and power shift troubles, powershift, power shift
QuestionI was pulling a scraper with my case and lost steering brakes and power shift
Sometimes it will go into reverse in first slip in second and work fine in third
If your sitting still sometimes you can go to reverse without pushing on the clutch and sometimes it kills the motor dead
We filled it with oil after changing the hyd. filters but can't get any power back
Please help
Answer You have more than one problem causing all these symptoms. If you lost steering and brakes, you will need to check if there is any hydraulic pressure from the pump. If the powershift pulls OK in some speeds but slips in second, there is a worn out clutch or internal oil leak in the powershift. Snubbing the engine and shifting into reverse without pushing the pedal means you have pilot spools stuck and the reverse lockout spool not working in the powershift control valve.