Tractor Repair: Ford 8N tranny, crankshaft pulley, ford 8n
QuestionQUESTION: How can I measure the amount of transmission fluid currently in the transmission? I do not want to overfill it.
ANSWER: There should be a small dipstick on the right side of the transmission. It would be behind your right foot as you are sitting on the tractor.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Is that the only dipstick on that side, and does it only measure the tranny level?
Answer That is the only dipstick and it checks the oil level in the transmission and rear end, which is also the hydraulic oil. If it has a loader on it, the loader could have its own oil supply depending on what kind of loader it is and if there is a separate pump for the loader driven off the front crankshaft pulley of the engine.