Tractor Repair: 1972 AC 160 3 cyl diesel
Tractor won't start. I cleaned the settlement bulbs and screens and replaced the fuel filter. I get flow thru them now, but it doesn't seem to get thru the pump. There is no manual pump on it. How can i get flow thru the pump? It was running good before setting about 6 months.
Answer If you have plenty of fuel in the tank and good flow of fuel from the tank, bleed the filter first, then bleed what appears to be a bleed screw on the side of the injection pump. Loosen the injection line fittings at the injectors and crank the engine over at full throttle until fuel squirts out, then tighten the fittings again. It should start right up. If you can't get fuel at the injectors, then possibly something is sticking inside the injection pump. Also make sure the shut-off cable is working correctly.