Tractor Repair: MX135 PTO fault codes, screw driver, volt meter
QuestionI have a CaseIH MX135 - and the pto quit turning after about 7 seconds after turning it on. You can trn it off and back on and repeat this over and over and the pto quits every time. I checked the fault codes - and it is 63. An idea what that might be??
AnswerSounds like its a speed sensor. If it has metal on the pickup then it will not sense the speed and shut off the pto. Change the sensor or check it with a volt meter set on ac and run a screw driver over the pick up the voltage should increase the faster you move the screwdriver. If changing it does not solve your problem then you might have a controller going bad or the wiring to the computer has a problem. Start with the sensor then go from there.