Tractor Repair: Case 5140 maxxum 1993, case mx, case 5140

i have a 5140 case with 7380hrs up on it. it was working lovely until 3days ago the lifts just stopped. i checked the lift soleniods they are workin and there is power goin to them. the command switch is workin. no fuse blowin. pump is good, hydraulic top link is workin perfect. checked relays and switches on mudguards. totally baffled... please help..

fairly complicated hydraulics in these does it have 3 solenoids or 2 for the lift.first i would get some one to work the lift while you place a spanner alongside the solenoids to see if they are magnetizing as some of the solenoids are controlled by the earth in newer case mx series and might be in the 51 series so the best way to rule out electrics is to see if the solenoids are magnetizing let me know what you find and we can go from there