Tractor Repair: ford 2000 tractor water leak, frost plug, frost plugs
QuestionQUESTION: Im in the process of buying a ford 2000 tractor except the is water leakin at the bottom of the housing betwee the engine and gearbox, am I in trouble.
ANSWER: i answered this question but there are no garuntees with out seeing the leak so if you buy it make sure you leave some room in the price to cover any unforseen problems but i would rekon its a frost plug which would be a cheap fix
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I have seen the water come out of location of the engine block and the flywheel housing mainly where the starter sits in. The water is clear, and there is no sign of water in the engine oil.Is there a frost plug in the engine block where it meets the gearbox/flywheel housing, and would the block have to be parted from the gearbox for the purpose of fixing/inspecting it.The engine starts and runs perfectly.The frost plugs on either side of the engine are in situ. Many thanks.
Answersorry for the late reply i had to double check the frost plug is not inside the bell housing but just above it on the back of the block which would explain why there is coolant around the starter it should be possible to see the frost plug but it is in an awkward spot