Tractor Repair: ford 3910 troubleshooting, ford 3910, frost plug
Questionon the right hand side of the tractor down low where the motor and transmission bolt together antifreeze pours out when i start it up.i can see 3 freeze plugs and they are all fine i was wonderin what u might think it could be
Answerit sounds a bit strage alright not well up on this tractor
check to see if the anti freeze is coming out of the (bell housing) gear box housing under the clutch/flywheel t
here is a hole drilled here so that oil doesnt build up around the clutch
if it comes out there you will have to split the tractor to inspect there could be another frost plug there
if not follow all hoses around the engine and you should find the leak
just wash it first it will make it easier to locate some of these tractors had a water filter which often gets forgoten when serviceing and could be coroded and leaking