QuestionQUESTION: William this should be right up your alley as we Americans say.
This tractor is Diesel and it will turn over but refuses to crank. I went long enough that I thought the battery was draining.
Three days ago I got off of it and this is how it Greets me .
ANSWER: have you got smoke coming from the exhaust and is the stopper lever on the injector pump moving in and out all the way when you pull and push the stopper knob after that my next check would be to bleed the fuel filter (fit new one if you have one)
then bleed the injectors one by one
put the battery charging if you can it will make life easier
hope this helps get back to me if it doesnt
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: William;
I'm not up on diesel engines but how do you bleed the injectors.
Answerloosen the 16mm or 5/8 pipe nut that goes onto the injector turn the engine over and when diesel starts to flow from the pipe tighten it you can do one injector at a time or all together
if now diesel comes after 20 sec you must have some other problem