Tractor Repair: international 574, international 574, change filters
inernational 574
QUESTION: Hi there,
we recently acquired one property and there's a tractor international 574 which was working before, but has been left in the field for over 10 years, so what I want to know is what should i do before trying to start it? do I need to change any parts like filter etc..??? many thanks for your help
ANSWER: the main thing to watch out for is water after getting into the engine so i would drain the oil and change filters also you should rotate the engine manually to make sure the pistons are not full of water as if they were you could damage the con rods if it doesn't turn over you should remove the injectors and turn over the engine using the starter if it does turn over refit the injectors bleed them and attempt to start it also beware that the clutch could be stuck as well as the brakes but getting it running is your first problem
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you very much for your help, as we do not have any experience, on this it would be better to get a professional to have a look it sounds serious... would you be able to advise any professionla in my area IG9 5UA England.??
Many thanks
Answerim from Ireland so cant help you there but if i were you id call to the nearest farm and ask who they use as local knowledge is a big help you don't want to go taking a tractor like that to a garage your not sure of as they could tell you theres more wrong than what there is. when a tractor has been outside for that long without a tin can put on the exhaust(to stop water getting to the engine there is a good chance it might not go atall