Tractor Repair: loader hydraulics, massey ferguson, remotes

I recently installed auxiliary hydraulic remotes on my Massey Ferguson.  The instructions said to tee into the loader lines and came with the fittings.  I did it exactly as instructed and have air in the lines. I tried to bleed out by cracking a fitting and can not get my loader to lift.  I have bled all the air through the loader valve and can not figure out how to bleed air from the cylinders.

Well I really think you might have something hooked up wrong. But in the case that it is just air crack both lines on both cylinders for lift. Then actuate the handle. If oil comes out the lines(both) of the base of the cylinder then tighten them up. Leave the rod end undone until the cylinder have lifted almost all the way up. It might make a mess but it might have to be done.
This is also an easy way to check and see if you have it hooked up right. Both base end lines just have oil when you move the handle and no oil should be coming out of the rod end lines.