Tractor Repair: 1970 4000 ford tractor, baffel, ford tractor
QuestionQUESTION: one of my lines came off, it was a transmission fluid line. I fixed that. But where do I add more transmission fluid & what kind? It is a select a matic. And right now it will not move forward or reverse. I hope that it is just because of the loss the the fluid.
Thank you.
ANSWER: I think you are right losing the fluid in probably the cause of not the fwd/rev issue. I have gotten to no dipstick question alot and I am not to sure on the answer. I know that it has a plug on top of the transmission next to the levers and I have heard that there is a dipstick there but I couldn't find in the parts breakdown. I am going to do some research and find a 3000 series Ford and look for myself. I will update this question when I have a definite answer. Use any light weight tractor hydraulic fluid but I always suggest to use manufacture oil.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for the response. There isn't a dipstick and I did find the fill plug, right behind the seat. The only problem is that it still will not move. Do you thing that it is the transmission pump? If so is this a job that a unskill person could do with a manual? Does the transmission fluid have to be primed? I turn the engine on and disconnected the line that came off, but nothing came out. Anyother ideas?
AnswerYou might want to check for a fill plug up front. See if there is oil up where the transmission pump is there might be a baffel in the rear housing keeping the oil back there. I don't think that it is a job that you would want to tackle. If that transmission pump is out it could have put metal into the whole system, even though you might fix the pump something you might overlook could cause the pump to go out again, also clean out or replace the suction filter if it is plugged you wont give it any fluid to pump.