Tractor Repair: 1972 Ford 3000 Hydraulic, ford 3000, hydraulic problems

A friend of mine has hydraulic problems with his 3000 Ford(1972). It will raise and lower on it's own, without the lever moving.When mowing, it will ground the equipment or raise it all the way up. I suggested a fluid level check and he informed me that it had no dipstick but had several plug on rear end housing on right hand side. Need information as to fluid level and possible cause of problem.  Thanks for your help,

I am getting this question alot. As far as I know there is a plug right next the shift handles on top of the transmission. I am going to do more research and find out for sure and I will update this question with further details. Sounds to me that you have an internal leak in the hitch valve or the linkage is goofy. You can try  adding more fluid but I think you are going to have repair the hitch valve. Any light weight hydraulic oil will work but I always suggest using fluid from the dealership.