QuestionQUESTION: Hi
I need help.....this is really frustrating me.
I start the tractor no problems. Put it in first or 2nd gear.
Has shuttle Shift has a forwards and reverse.
Will always go in reverse but will not go forward.
I would try to get it going for hours and sometimes
It will start to go forwards. Once it does I have no further problems till
The next time I want to use it.
Can you point me in the right direction PLEASE.
ANSWER: Ok, there are to types of shuttles available for that tractor. I will start with The Hydraulic shuttle. The hyd shuttle is controlled by two solenoids one for forward one for reverse. To eliminate a bad solenoid then swap them. If the problem switches from rev to fwd then replace the solenoid. It could also be electrical check the wire's going to the solenoid,make sure they have a good connection and there are no rub marks or wire exposed. Clean any tractor grounds you can find. You can also check the shift lever wires for the same problem.
A mechanical shuttle check all your levers and linkages make sure none are worn or loose. If the levers move then it is probably in the shift shafts under the cover.
If you have any more questions after you have checked these things don't hesitate to write a follow-up
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for your last response. Have tried to swap the soleniods but was told you can not swap them due to the poles not being write. Was told by a machanice. How can I test them that they are ok.
Also have checked all leads.
What else can it be? it can't be the oil as it works in reverse all the time. It must be the soleniod. what do you think.
Thanks again.
Answeri just check the parts book and the solenoid part numbers are the same. So the guy who told you that they are different is wrong. I do think it is in the solenoid and I would change it. Just make sure to change the spool along with it. I would try to swap it first. You can test the Solenoid by hooking up an ohmmeter across the terminals and compare it to the known good one.