Tractor Repair: case mx 135 pto wont work, case mx 135, case ih dealer
Questionwhen engage pto green light of pto stay's on and after a few seconds green light starts flashing . checked wires to alternator and wire's on pto . looked at fuse ok
You will need to check for fault codes stored in the pto controller. Stay off the seat, turn on the pto switch, and then turn on the ignition switch. The green light should start to flash out a 2 digit code which is a short series of flashes, a short pause, and then another series of flashes. The first series of flashes is the first digit of the code, and the next series of flashes is the second digit of the code. If the green light stays on and does not flash a code, then the pto switch has failed. I do not have a list of what the codes mean, but you could get one from a Case IH dealer. If you do not have a dealer near you, do a follow-up to this question and tell me what code you retrieved from the tractor and I will research it and find an answer for you.