Tractor Repair: 3 point hitch, model specifics, ground move
QuestionQUESTION: A friend of mine has a lawn tractor with a lever controlled 3 point hitch. There are 6 settings on the lever to adjust the hitch height however it will go to only the 4th setting and thien the hitch still doesn't seem to raise or lower. What could be some possibilities as to why the lever control isn't working.
ANSWER: Without knowing model specifics, there are two things that could cause this problem. #1 is linkage, look at the lever(this might require taking panels off to look at the linkage)where it goes into the rockshaft or three point housing. Without starting the tractor and the arms fully lowered to the ground. Move the linkage the full range of travel, making sure the linkage is moving, could be loose. If your linkage is good on the outside with no play then it could be bent or loose on the inside of the housing. #2 is Hydraulic pump flow if you have no problem picking up heavy implements then is probably linkage. Low flow from your pump caused by plugged filter or worn pump will cause the hitch to not respond properly.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: There is no hydraulics to the hitch at all so pump flow isn't the problem. The arms won't lower to the ground or raise to the highest point. There doesn't seem to be any movement in the height at any position of the lever. Any suggestions?
AnswerI have a question for you then. What kind of tractor is it? Please be make and model specific as possible. I am curious how would the 3-point move up and down if there are no hydraulics to it. Remember you possibly won't have any hoses or pipes running on the outside of the tractor most is done internally inside the housing. If the hitch will not move at all, then the linkage that controls it must be broken. Depending on the age of the tractor there is another possible cause, electrical. Newer tractor use sensors to tell where the hitch is in relation to the lever. If one is off then the hitch will have an error causing it not to move. I might be able to help more if I can find out what kind of tractor it is. Hope this helped.