Tractor Repair: Coil for 656, international tractor, coil wire
QuestionI have a 656 international tractor and have fire to the points etc and no fire out of the top of the coil to the distributor cap I replaced the coil, coil wire where did I go wrong or what else could it be. Thanks for your help.
With the ignition switch on, make sure you have 12 volts to the + terminal of the coil, and to the points. Open and close the points either by hand or by cranking the engine and check if there is a small spark at the points. Replace the points and condenser if you haven't already done so. Even if the points look OK, they might not be letting power through the contacts or the condenser could be bad. Gap the points to .020 inch. Make sure the + terminal of the coil is connected to the ignition switch, and the - terminal is connected to the distributor.