Tractor Repair: 656 International, feeler gauge, international question
QuestionQUESTION: My 656 International was choking off whenever i pushed up on the throttle or pushed in the choke. So we replaced the points and plugs and now it wont fire. I got everything put together right. Could it be a bad coil? Why else would it not fire after the repairs?
ANSWER: Hello,
There are a few things that could have gone wrong. First, check if you actually have spark at the spark plugs if you haven't already done so. If not, recheck the points. I have had new points that didn't line up right, or had some type of film on the contacts that wouldn't let it fire until I cleaned the points with some alcohol. I have also had an oily film get on the points while setting the gap with my feeler gauge because the feeler gauge had oil on it from using it to set valve clearances. Make sure the gap is .020 inch. On three occasions, I have had brand new condensers that were no good. Make sure the distributor cap, rotor, and dust cap are all fitting properly on the distributor. It's possible to have the wire for the condenser touch something inside the distributor after assembly, and ground out the ignition system. Use a voltmeter or test light and see if there is power to the + terminal of the coil when the key switch is on. If not, you have a key switch or wiring problem. If there is power to the coil, open and close the points with a small screwdriver and see if there is a small spark at the points, and if there is a large spark from the high voltage wire in the center of the coil to ground. If not, then the wire in the center of the coil may be bad, or the coil itself could be bad. Check the contacts in the distributor cap and on the rotor and replace them if questionable.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I got it started now by adjusting the gap on the points, but it is still choking off when I increase the throttle or push in the choke. Do you have any ideas?
If it won't run without the choke pulled out, then it is running too lean. Either it is starving for gas, or there is a vacuum leak. Make sure you have a good flow of fuel from the tank to the carburetor. The carburetor could also need cleaning. Check that all the intake manifold bolts and carburetor mounting bolts are tight.