Tractor Repair: ford 8n tractor, ford 8n tractor, ford tractor
QuestionI was using my ford tractor when it started just dying after running a while(started at 1/2 hour %26 now about 5 minutes). I cleaned out fuel bowl,have full tank of gas %26 changed coil(old really corroded %26 dirty). It really didn't help much. Still will only run about 5 minutes %26 dies. Will run battery down trying to restart!! Am I missing checking something???? I sure need to get some work done and not by hand?????
When the engine dies, immediately check if there is spark at the spark plugs. If not, replace the points and condenser. If there is spark, remove the fuel bowl and turn on the gas. You need to get full flow of fuel from the tank. Even though the bowl is clean, there is usually a restriction inside the tank or in the fuel valve. A small dribble of fuel is not enough, you need to get full flow. If the flow is restricted, remove the fuel valve from the tank and clean it out.