Tractor Repair: FARMALL 806 [1966] power steering and brakes, torque amplifier, point hitch
i just got this yesterday and find that it only sometimes has ps and brakes. model F 806 U, sn 22186 Y. the guy said, after you start it, turn the steering wheel left and it will work. it did for him[it had been tilted down at the front slightly on the trailer], but when i restarted it, i could only kind of herd it in a general direction. he said the 3 point worked fine, but i forgot to try it. looks like the pump on the left side of the engine, might operate ps and brakes?
thankyou, loren
The pump for the power steering, brakes, and torque amplifier is located behind the multiple control valve on the left side of the transmission, not the engine. The valve must be removed to get to the pump. The 3 point hitch and remotes get their oil from a separate pump in front of the left rear axle. Your steering problem could be related to the pump, or it could be a problem in the multiple control valve itself. Sometimes spools stick in the valve, and sometimes the gasket and o-ring blow out. First make sure the hydraulic oil is full and the filter is clean.