Tractor Repair: case 1896 powershift, clutch pedal, case ih dealers
Questionhi Arnie, my case 1896 has a 3 forward and one reverse power shift with 4 range gears. When in 3rd or 2nd and push clutch down to stop I come to a lockup stop (does not stall engine). All powershift gears work smoothly when changing up or down via lever, clutching 1st gear is normal. Any help appreciated, yours down under, Wayne Parker
In order to accurately diagnose the electro-hydraulic powershift on these models, it is necessary to install a gauge set to monitor the pressures of all the clutch packs. Case IH dealers also have a 12/24 speed electronic tester which is a box with lots of wires that connect into the powershift control harness, and it checks the relay board, clutch pedal switches, solenoids, pressure switches, and wiring. The bottom of clutch switch should click when the clutch pedal is only about 1/2 inch above the fully depressed position. The upper clutch switch should click just before the pedal reaches the top of it's travel while the pedal is being released. When the pedal is pushed down while in 2nd or 3rd, it must push the powershift lever completely back to 1st. There is a cable that can be adjusted for that. The rest is too complex to diagnose or repair without the necessary equipment previously mentioned. Guessing and just replacing parts is too costly and time consuming.