Tractor Repair: Farmall super C, farmall super c, head gasket

I have an overheating problem. I have replaced the head gasket, water pump,thermostat and had the radiator rodded out and cleaned by a rad. shop. While the head was off I checked the head and block with a straight edge,was OK and by eye didn't see any cracks.with the head on the block(no gasket)there is .003 space toward the front of engine.The only other thing is when I removed the head the sleaves were pretty much flush with block,I was told they should
be a little above the block??If so how do I raise them? Also would the timing effect overheating? how do I se t it?

 Thank You very much for any info you can provide!!


  It depends on whether it really is overheating or not.  That may sound stupid, but bear with me for a minute.  I have seen incidents where the engine was pushing water out of the radiator and made it look like it was overheating when it really was not.  The water pump, thermostat, and radiator would be the items that would affect overheating.  The head gasket, cracked head, sleeves being too low, and cracked sleeves would be the items that could cause water to be pushed out without overheating.  It's not very often that cracks can be seen without the head being magna-fluxed at an engine machine shop.  The sleeves usually vary from flush to .005 above the block to get enough clamping force on the fire rings of the head gasket.  The important thing is that they are not below flush or else the block should be reworked by a machine shop.  I do not recommend putting shims under the flange of the sleeves.  Late timing can definitely cause overheating.  Some people time them by ear while turning the distributor back and forth until it sounds right, but the most accurate method would be to use a timing light to set it with the timing marks on the flywheel.
