Tractor Repair: WATER LEAKING INTO OIL, radiator leaks, coolant additive
QuestionI have a 1975 Case cable plow that starts good and runs good, but water from the radiator leaks into the oil. Anybody have any idea what could be the problem?
Either you have a leaking head gasket, or if this is a wet sleeve engine, the sleeve o-rings are bad or the sleeves are pitted through.
First, remove the oil pan and see where the coolant is dripping down. You should see it either dripping off the bottom of a cylinder sleeve, from inside the bore of the sleeve, or from above the camshaft. If it is a sleeve leaking, consider overhauling the engine if it has alot of hours on it, because after you have all the labor for taking the engine apart to replace one sleeve, it won't take much more to replace all of them. The sealing surfaces on the lower deck of the block where the o-rings seal against usually need some attention also because of corrosion or pitting. If it drips from above the camshaft or anywhere else other than a sleeve, it will be a leaking head gasket. No matter what the cause, have the head checked for straightness and cracks, and check the sleeve protrusion before putting it back together with a new gasket. Use new coolant and add coolant additive that will protect the sleeves from pitting.