QuestionQUESTION: Hi everyone,
I am looking for a component of a John Deere Tractor which I don’t know the English name of. I hope an expert will be able to help me in working out the name of this tractor’s component for me to buy it. Below is the information that I have:
You would need 4 of these to run the tractor ( not wheels)
I have been told that this component is equivalent to a Spark Plug for a petrol engine.
Hope someone can work out the name of this component of a tractor for me to place the order for someone overseas.
Many thanks
ANSWER: Hello,
You must be talking about a diesel engine because you say it's equivalent to a spark plug on a petrol engine. A diesel engine has injectors instead of spark plugs. Some diesels also have glow plugs to preheat the combustion chambers for starting the engine.
Hope this helps.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for your reply Arnie. It is diesel engine and "injectors" sounds right as it seemed like a straw which it has been shaped. Unfortunately when I type in "injector" at the Johnh Deere parts website it does not recognise it. I'm wondering if you can give me any other terms for "injector" which I can search for it. Thanks again for you help.
I don't know what country you are in, or what website you are trying to order these parts from, but "injector" is a common term in English for the part that sprays fuel into the cylinder of the engine to make it run, similar to a spark plug igniting the fuel mixture on a gasoline engine. Maybe try "fuel injection nozzle" as sometimes people use a slightly different term. The long thin type is commonly called a "pencil type injector". These parts are also available from sources other than John Deere. Any diesel engine repair facility should be able to supply it. John Deere is a global company that supplies world-wide markets. Here is a link to a webpage that lists John Deere fuel injection nozzles:
This page has a link at the top that says Worldwide Sites, and if you click on it, it lists most countries and continents.
Good luck,