Tractor Repair: lift problems, lever control, manual valve
QuestionI have a Ford 4000 diesel, my question... when i start it up the lift comes all the way up.. when i push the lever up or down it does not work and then take and use the valve on top of the transfer casing... i pull it out and the lift goes down and when i push it back in the lift comes up, but it will not work by using the lever control.
I have to use the manual valve to make it go up or down. Can you give me any advice on what causes this problem?
AnswerHi Kendall
Not my speciality Hydraulics-- But the manual that i have says
The valve on top of the casing has 3 positions --in to operate the 3 point lift--out to operate any external systems --and half out to operate both. but you have already worked this out no doubt.
If you are only using the 3 point then leave the top valve in the 'IN' position , start the engine with the main lever in the down position, the hydraulics should stay down!