Tractor Repair: MF 35 3 cyl diesel pump bleed, cylinder head gasket, fuel pressure regulator

I have a 1962 MF 35 3 cyl tractor. I had to split the engine from the gearbox because of a rear crank oil leak. (whoever did the work replacing the seal last time did not realise you should offer the 6 oclock and 12 oclock bolts within the seal housings first and hacksawed the bolts short so the leak was not the seals but loose seal housings)I also replaced the cylinder head gasket. After reassembly I have tried for many hours to bleed the rotary pump, by the three bleed screws on the pump and by loosening all three injector feed nuts and turning the engine. I only get a dribble of fuel from the injector pipes although there is plenty of feed to the pump. I have been told that a fuel pressure regulator valve in the pump body can stick and a tap on the side of the pump body can release it but I have tried that but with no joy. A solution would be most appreciated. Regards, Michael

 Subject: MF 35 3 cyl diesel pump bleed Question: I have a 1962 MF 35 3 cyl tractor. I had to split the engine from the gearbox because of a rear crank oil leak. (whoever did the work replacing the seal last time did not realise you should offer the 6 oclock and 12 oclock bolts within the seal housings first and hacksawed the bolts short so the leak was not the seals but loose seal housings)I also replaced the cylinder head gasket. After reassembly I have tried for many hours to bleed the rotary pump, by the three bleed screws on the pump and by loosening all three injector feed nuts and turning the engine. I only get a dribble of fuel from the injector pipes although there is plenty of feed to the pump. I have been told that a fuel pressure regulator valve in the pump body can stick and a tap on the side of the pump body can release it but I have tried that but with no joy. A solution would be most appreciated. Regards,

Hi Michael.
You seem to have done all the right things,
So some basic things to do. ---
Plenty of fuel in the tank?
Is the tank tap switched on?
Are there any other loose connections in the pipe system?
Is the water drain plug up tight?
How fast did you turn the engine was it with the starter?
There may be a problem with the pump of course but if it was working before then-?
Does the manual cover any other situations?
There may be some unexpected block edge at the pump? Can you take each inj pipe off and check by blowing through each.
Reconnect at the pump end only and leave the top nut finger tight.
Turnover with the starter key.
Good luck.#