Tractor Repair: No hydraulics, detective work, hydraulic pressure
Questioni have a kubota l2050 seems i have no hydraulic pressure.full of fluid.i also don't see the shaft turning where i add the there a lever that maybe kids have pulled that stopped it from working..TY
Answer Subject: No hydraulics Question: i have a kubota l2050 seems i have no hydraulic pressure.full of fluid.i also don't see the shaft turning where i add the there a lever that maybe kids have pulled that stopped it from working..TY
Hi E ?
Do you have a manual?
I usually work from the simplest possible answer:-
How long have you had this machine and did it work ok in the past?
Did the hydraulics normally work with the engine running and the tractor stationary?
There may well be a separate lever to engage the hydraulic pump –as every verhical is different. If you find it depress the clutch and move to engage.
It needs some detective work.
There may well be a mechanical problem? I assume that you are using the correct FLUID in the transmission / hydraulics this is usually engine oil but check first.
Get back to me with more information.