I hope you can help or offer some advice. I have a Kubota L2250 diesel, 2WD tractor (1985?) that I use primarilly for mowing 3 acres. Haven't had any significant problem but I fear that one may be coming up soon.
I've noticed that the steering is a bit loose, i.e. I can move the steering wheel back and forth without getting any motion from the tie rods/steering gear. Since I don't have a lot of tractor experience, I was wondering if this is typical? The U-joint and tie rods seem to be in good shape (at least nothing obviously loose).
Any suggestions as to what to check/replace?
AnswerHi Steven.
You will appreciate that its a bit difficult with out seeing the machine.
When you say that can move the steering wheel back and forewords do you mean the steering column and wheel or just the wheel on its center axis in the later it could mean that the wheel is loose on the column ,is it on splines at the top wheel hub or at the bottom of the steering column either case it may be a case of just tightening up the center nut at the wheel hub , or may be the shaft its self is worn or the bearings are shot , top and bottom.
a small amount of play is acceptable , if you have been able to tighten a Center nut then have a go with the grease gun if appropriate, check the hand book fore details.