Tractor Repair: 1952 Ford 8N starter assembly, ford 8n, brushes
QuestionHi Danny!
It is without a doubt that any reply to my question about assembly of the 8N starter was lost in cyberspace when my message cache filled up and began spiting back messages to the sender. Simply stated...what is the best way to insert the starter armature so it will slide under the brushes without the hassle I'm having. I installed new brushes. Thanks for your expertise!
AnswerJim if the starter has a cover over the brush area that is removable pull the brushes out of there holders and slide the armeture in fit the end cover and insert the brushes back into the holders fit the cover back around.
If the body does not have the removable cover pull the brushes back half way so the spring holds the brush against the holder and fit the armeture in place and then insert the end plate and armeture into the main body fit the screws and secure all should be ok and work.
Kind regards Danny Last