Tractor Repair: MF 282 power steering leak, leaking radiator, power steering fluid

My husband's MF 282 is leaking power steering fluid. He said he thought the gasket on the cylinder needs to be replaced.  My question is what steps does he need to do to get the cylinder off the tractor and the gasket removed. The man who used to work on our tractors died.  We live in Northeast Texas.  We also have a MF240 with an oil leak and a MF 245 with a leaking radiator.  Every tractor decided to tear up at one time.

Velma I am sorry but the MF282 is not a model I am familiar with does it have the same rams as the 240 if so drop me an email and I will try and get a break up for you to be able to do the repairs.
My email address is [email protected] send your email to me and we can go from there.

       Kind Regards Danny Last