Tractor Repair: 1210 ford wont shift out of 4wheel drive, ford 1210, drive ford
QuestionFord 1210 won't shift out of 4-wheel drive and worse yet I have a loud clang in the front diferential about every 1/3 turn of the front wheel. Shakes the tractor pretty bad, sound like maybe a tooth broke off? How do I get it to shift?
AnswerDennis does not sound good I feel the best course of action is to make sure it is the front diff first drain the diff oil.
If there is metal then start pulling it apart if there is no metal then look at the drive shaft under the trans as it may be a problem in the drop box that transfers the power to the front diff.
Can you tell me how the noise started what was being done with the machine at the time.
Dennis I await your reply to the above.
Yours Danny Last