Followup To
Question -
My A will start, but will kill after trying to warm up...5min or 10 min or 15 min...And if it doesn't kill it will after driving it 20,25 feet. Sometimes it will want to kill before the the clutch is let out.
Could this be the charging system....the needle always is left (discharge) even though the tractor runs...magneto? magneto adjustments needed? Can a simple...non-magneto charging system be used?
Answer -
Start by checking the charging system -- battery - magneto adjustments could be needed. Are you jump starting the unit everytime? -- If not -- what does the tune up and fuel look like?
Thank you
FOLLOW UP: The old battery would need a jump evry timeit would start after 5 minutes of charging and kill with NO juice...recharge again....then the new battery was put in and it wouldn't kill for the same thing happens..........good fuel....starts gas buld and line to carberator..............
I assume magneto adjustments concerns the brushes in order to increase the re-charge as you run the tractor?
BUT, when it kills with the new battery, it will restart without recharging...
AnswerYou are correct about the magneto --
The reason it restarts with the new battery is the charging system is putting out a small amount of energy -- and the new battery maintains reserve energy -- your magneto will probably need more than adjustments.