Tractor Repair: TO-20 No Fire/Wont Start, new distributor cap, emery paper
QuestionHi, I have a Ferguson TO-20 that normally runs like a top. In the woods the distributor cap got bumped by a limb and started running VERY rough. I limped home, installed a new distributor cap and rotor, made certain all connections were as I found them but now it just turns over normally making no attempt to fire. I have checked and it has fuel but no spark. I took distributor cap off and turned motor over and rotor turns normally. Is that the solenoid located above the starter and could that be my problem? I have checked all wire connections and all is tight. Any suggestions would be much appreciated! Thank You!-Tony
AnswerTony if the engine turns over then it is not the solinoide that is the problem Tony sorry to ask this question matey but is the key turned on??.
Did you touch the points or the condensor when you replaced the cap and roto button this is the only reason that it may not start.
Take the cap back off take the rotor off and remove the metal disc out and check the points are opening the gap should be between .015 and .018" also clean the points with some emery paper this also may help.
You could check that there is power to the points and the coil are all the leads attached well.
Tony this is all I can say as to what to do at this point in time.
Kind Regards Danny Last