Tractor Repair: 3 pt. hitch Kubota, box blade, draft control

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Dear Danny; I have a 1987 Kubota 2250 4wd. with 791 hrs and a front end loader. My neighbor borrowed it yesterday and said it was hopping up and down when he drove down the road after using it all day. He also said if he moved the up\down lever of the hitch while moving it would help with the bouncing. After 3 hours, I crank the tractor and noticed he had the pto in 1000rpm and quickly took it out of gear. I was able the lift the hitch once, move around without bouncing and put the hitch down. That is where it is. Why won't the hitch raise back up. Fluid good. Draft moved in the slow and fast, same result. The front end loader works fine, I can't figure this out. Please help

Answer -
Trammell could you please tell me did you have any think on the three point hitch if yes what was it and do you have a multi hole top hitch.
As if the top hitch was in the upper or lower hole of the hitch this could have been the bouncing you talk of the draft control working over time with a heavy implerment this could have caused damage to the draft control system if the pto was running a drive shaft at 1000 rpm it could cause damage but if the pto had no shaft on it it would not be a problem to it.
I await your reply to the above.

Question: the only thing on the back was a light weight box blade which I've been using for a while with no problems. The linkage was in the center hole and never had any problems. THe pto had nothing on it so I think its fine. If it is the draft control which sounds like the problem. Where do I find and and What do I need to go about fixing it. Thanks for the help

         Kind Regards Danny Last

Trammell the only thing I can say is talk to your local Kubota dealer to get hold of a repair manual on the tractor and follow the procedure as I do not have any data on this model tractor.
The only other thing to do would be to call the local dealer in to check it out and give you a quoote to repair it.

        Kind Regards Danny Last