Tractor Repair: Pasquali 986 tractor, quality diesel, diesel oil
QuestionNeed to know what type of fluid to use in the hydraulic system of a Pasquali 986 tractor. All fluid specifications would be appreciated. Thank you
AnswerJo these are the only specs I have on oils for the 986 as follows.
(1) engine normal good quality diesel oil
(2) all other points seem to be 140 gear oil
(3) hydraulics if it has its own container i would use a universal tractor oil as gear oil may be to heavy and cause a pump problem Jo use say Agi Castrol MP or equiverlant to it this also can be used in other points on the tractor.
Hope this helps you out if you are in Australia we can help with parts if not drop me a line and I may be able to direct you to your nearest parts reseller in your area.
[email protected] or mobile phone 0418233070
Regards Danny Last