Tractor Repair: Massey Ferguson 235, massey ferguson 235, gas tractor

Hello my dad just bought a used Massey Ferguson 235 gas tractor.  I think it is a 1976 with 42 HP.  He just wants the basic service information so he can change the oil and stuff like that, but he does not have the users manual.  If you could give some info as to the type of oil, oil filter, fuel filter and any other basic information that might be useful that would be great.

thanks for the help your work is the best

Nick you can use a site we have here in Australia the company name is Bare&Co
this site can help with your part numbers and I will now give you some specifications on your tractor which I feel is a 135 gas engine tractor.

Nick if you would like to drop me an email I will send some info it would be easier than typing it in on here my email address is [email protected] and then I can send some specs on the engine and oils you require.

                    Regards Danny Last