Tractor Repair: MF Diesel tractor ran out of fuel., massey fergusson, diesel tractor
Question70's Massey Fergusson Diesel tractor. I believe it is a 4500 but I am not sure because it is sitting out in my back field in the dark which is in Cedar Grove, NC. I ran out of fuel and now can't start it. What do I have to do to get it going?
AnswerCarol good morning Australian time i'm not sure of the model 4500 but lets see what we can do with it.
(1) we now have diesel in the tank follow line from bottom of tank to fuel primming pump or even the first filter on top of filter there should be a bleed screw to take the air out of the system loosen this screw bleed the air out by pumping the primming pump close the screw after all air is gone move to next filter if it has one and do the same thing and then move to the injection pump it has two bleed points on side of pump these are very small screws 5/16 spanner size loosen bottom one bleed air out and close it off do same to the one on upper section of the pump and close it off.
You will need to loosen 1or 2 injection lines at the injector end then crank the engine over with the starter the engine should start then close injector lines off if engine starts if it wont start repeat the process from step 1 it should then start.
If you have any further problems drop me a line and will see if we can find some pictures to help my email is
[email protected]
Regards Danny Last