Tractor Repair: massey-clutch, massey ferguson 65, hometown aol
Questiondean i have a massey ferguson 65 dsl. how do i adjust the clutch?
AnswerHi Randy
The Main clutch for the transmission is adjusted by loosening the bolt that clamps the arm to the shaft that comes out of the bellhousing And slip the shaft clockwise till the release bearing touches the pressure plate release fingers then twist the shaft counterclockwise till the pedal has about 1" to 1/12" of Pedal free travel. The PTO clutch is adjusted by going up through the hole in the bottom of the bellhousing & setting the PTO pressure plate stop bolts to where they have about .060 clearance. It is a little hard to just tell you but If you will send me an Email address I have pictures with instructions on them showing how to make the clutch adjustments. My Email address is (
[email protected] ) My web site address is ( ) Big Dean